A quick guide to help you cancel an order on Amazon

Amazon website

Browsing Amazon is like a treasure hunt. You spot a shiny deal at an unbeatable price and your excitement bubbles. But wait, a few moments later you find a better deal elsewhere. Doubt creeps in and you start wondering if your hard-earned money was well spent in real. That’s where knowing how to cancel an Amazon order comes in handy.

How to cancel an order on Amazon?

Before your shipment takes flight, you’ll need to make the move. Any delay will lead to waiting for the product to arrive and then, attempting a return. So, the sooner you act, the better. After all, shopping on Amazon is not just about buying; it’s about choosing wisely. Cancel with confidence!

Canceling shipment on computer

Look for the Returns & Orders entry in the top-right corner.

Amazon Returns & Orders
Amazon Returns & Orders.jpg

Find the order you want to cancel and hit the Cancel items button next to it. For multiple items, you can uncheck the ones you want to keep.

Cancel an order on Amazon
Cancel an order on Amazon

Pick a reason for the cancellation from the drop-down menu. This step is optional though. Choose Cancel selected items in this order option.

Cancel Selected Items in this Order
Cancel Selected Items in this Order

Wait for confirmation of the order or items being canceled. Keep visiting the Returns & Orders page to check for the same. You’ll also receive confirmation by email.

Amazon order cancelled
Amazon order cancelled

Canceling shipment through the mobile app

In the Amazon Shopping app, tap the Menu, seen as a three-line symbol in the bottom-right corner.

Select Your Orders heading.

Pick the order you want to change, then scroll down and hit the Cancel order button. Here, just make sure the items you want to cancel are checked, and optionally, select a cancellation reason. Finally, tap the Cancel selected items option.

You’ll be directed to the Your Orders list. There, you’ll see a notification saying that your cancellation was successful. If you’ve purchased the item from a third-party seller, you’ll see the ‘in progress’ notification. An email will also be sent with your cancellation status.

For orders where you’ve bought multiple items at once, the process will vary as there might be many third-party sellers involved. Some might require additional time to process your cancellation request before accepting it. In any case, you should automatically get your money back in a few days.

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