Internet service provider (ISP) redundancy in Firewall.

Link Monitoring

Redundancy is an important, native, and inseparable feature of Cloud that warrants continuity in service. It refers to excess or duplication in a system, process, or information going beyond what is required for normal functioning.  Redundancy improves the reliability and fault tolerance of systems. We will cover Internet service provider (ISP) redundancy and how Check Point Cloud Firewall can help to achieve it.


Cloud security service and firewall

Check Point Firewall is a Cloud security service and firewall that is trusted by large enterprises, and startups to secure their cloud landscapes and help them on their smooth cloud journey, and digital transformation. It has the following offerings.

  • Quantum – deep learning and AI-driven network security.
  • Cloudguard – Fully automated Cloud-native security.
  • Harmony – security for remote users.
  • Horizon – prevention first security operations.
Check Point Products

Well, different needs have different solutions, you check more on their official website. What we are more interested is in its special feature of Cloudguard the “ISP Redundancy”. It is also called internet service provider redundancy, a networking concept to enhance an organization’s internet connectivity and continuous access to applications. The key objective is to minimize internet outages and performance degradation.

The ISP redundancy in Check Point firewall can be configured using the below components.

  • ISP interfaces. This involves setting multiple physical interfaces on the firewall each connected with a different ISP.
ISP Interface
  • Gateway Load Balancing Protocol. GLBP is a proprietary protocol that Check Point firewall uses to distribute evenly outbound internet traffic to different ISP providers. Thus optimizing the utilization of all ISPs.
Gateway LBP
  • ISP Link Monitoring. The firewall continuously checks the health of ISP links, on sensing any degradation in the performance beyond the threshold, it will switch the traffic to the operational link and traffic will continue to flow without disrupting the access.
Link Monitoring
  • VPN Redundancy. If the organization is using VPN over the internet, the firewall will maintain the VPN traffic through different ISP providers.

Check Point is not the only firewall in the market offering ISP redundancy, you can search many more, evaluate their offerings, and compare features, prices, and how secure they are to choose one. As the cost of switching and replacing firewalls requires downtime which might be difficult for your production workloads give careful consideration before choosing.

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